Arth Consulting has a unique capability to deliver the very best resources quickly. We find true TALENT because we can effectively talk to resources from Developer to CXO’s alike; we can gauge your needs with minimal requirements or input, match the candidate's qualifications and accomplishments with your job requirements, effectively screen and interview the candidates, and deliver results quickly.
Our goal is to reduce the time your company will spend in the hiring cycle, which allows hiring managers and other support staff to focus on the highest candidates, saving you time and money.
How Do We Attract Quality Candidates?
Our success is driven by our ability to attract the very best talent. Below are some core reasons:
Ability to talk to CXOs and Developers alike
Honest and transparent approach to hiring
Deep understanding of our clients, their hiring processes and the their requirements
Qualifications of the recruiting team
Empathy and respect for candidates
What is Our Strategy to Identify QUALITY Candidates?
Our philosophy is to proactively identify and build relationships with prospective candidates before the need arises. Here are some of the key activities to identify quality candidates:
Anticipate potential requirements based on our proactive outreach
Build the interested candidate pool even before the need arise
Invest time in understanding personal and professional situations of the candidates
In case of unanticipated requirements, we react fast by:
Reaching out to our existing resource pool and extended network
Offering significant referrals to encourage network participation
Advertising on all major job boards
We do these things in parallel to respond quickly. Once we identify the potential candidates, we focus on maintaining good relationships with them. We continue to maintain good relationships with them even after the placement in order to address any query that they may have at the new workplace.
How Do We Screen Candidates?
We review candidate's online profile to review consistency in the job history and other parts of the resume
We check the candidate's availability, motivation to move or jump, his or her current legal status, and other applicable situations as per requirement
Our team evaluates the candidates communication skills, consulting skills, and analytical skills per the requirements
We arrange candidate's telephone interview with at least one of our Partners to assess candidate's skill set in detail against the requirements
We also perform reference checks as needed